describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {
  let masterService: MasterService;
  it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {
    masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());
    expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');
  it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {
    masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());
    expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');
  it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {
    const fake =  { getValue: () => 'fake value' };
    masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);
    expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');
  it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {
    // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService
    const valueServiceSpy =
      jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);
    // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.
    const stubValue = 'stub value';
    masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);
      .toBe(stubValue, 'service returned stub value');
      .toBe(1, 'spy method was called once');