public class Bus
     // Static variable used by all Bus instances.
     // Represents the time the first bus of the day starts its route.
     protected static readonly DateTime globalStartTime;

     // Property for the number of each bus.
     protected int RouteNumber { get; set; }

     // Static constructor to initialize the static variable.
     // It is invoked before the first instance constructor is run.
     static Bus()
         globalStartTime = DateTime.Now;

         // The following statement produces the first line of output, 
         // and the line occurs only once.
         Console.WriteLine("Static constructor sets global start time to {0}",

     // Instance constructor.
     public Bus(int routeNum)
         RouteNumber = routeNum;
         Console.WriteLine("Bus #{0} is created.", RouteNumber);

     // Instance method.
     public void Drive()
         TimeSpan elapsedTime = DateTime.Now - globalStartTime;

         // For demonstration purposes we treat milliseconds as minutes to simulate
         // actual bus times. Do not do this in your actual bus schedule program!
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is starting its route {1:N2} mn after global start time {2}.",

 class TestBus
     static void Main()
         // The creation of this instance activates the static constructor.
         Bus bus1 = new Bus(71);

         // Create a second bus.
         Bus bus2 = new Bus(72);

         // Send bus1 on its way.

         // Wait for bus2 to warm up.

         // Send bus2 on its way.

         // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
         System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
 /* Sample output:
     Static constructor sets global start time to 3:57:08 PM.
     Bus #71 is created.
     Bus #72 is created.
     71 is starting its route 6.00 minutes after global start time 3:57 PM.
     72 is starting its route 31.00 minutes after global start time 3:57 PM.      