Point point = new Point();
double[] arr = { 0, 1.5, 2.3, 3.4, 4.0, 5.9 };
string str = "Hello World";

// The following two assignments are equivalent. Each assigns the address
// of the first element in array arr to pointer p.

// You can initialize a pointer by using an array.
fixed (double* p = arr) { /*...*/ }

// You can initialize a pointer by using the address of a variable. 
fixed (double* p = &arr[0]) { /*...*/ }

// The following assignment initializes p by using a string.
fixed (char* p = str) { /*...*/ }

// The following assignment is not valid, because str[0] is a char, 
// which is a value, not a variable.
//fixed (char* p = &str[0]) { /*...*/ }