using System;
namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Adapter.RealWorld
  /// MainApp startup class for Real-World 
  /// Adapter Design Pattern.

  class MainApp
    /// Entry point into console application.
    static void Main()
      // Non-adapted chemical compound
      Compound unknown = new Compound("Unknown");
      // Adapted chemical compounds
      Compound water = new RichCompound("Water");
      Compound benzene = new RichCompound("Benzene");
      Compound ethanol = new RichCompound("Ethanol");
      // Wait for user
  /// The 'Target' class
  class Compound
    protected string _chemical;
    protected float _boilingPoint;
    protected float _meltingPoint;
    protected double _molecularWeight;
    protected string _molecularFormula;
    // Constructor
    public Compound(string chemical)
      this._chemical = chemical;
    public virtual void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("\nCompound: {0} ------ ", _chemical);
  /// The 'Adapter' class

  class RichCompound : Compound
    private ChemicalDatabank _bank;
    // Constructor
    public RichCompound(string name)
      : base(name)
    public override void Display()
      // The Adaptee
      _bank = new ChemicalDatabank();
      _boilingPoint = _bank.GetCriticalPoint(_chemical, "B");
      _meltingPoint = _bank.GetCriticalPoint(_chemical, "M");
      _molecularWeight = _bank.GetMolecularWeight(_chemical);
      _molecularFormula = _bank.GetMolecularStructure(_chemical);
      Console.WriteLine(" Formula: {0}", _molecularFormula);
      Console.WriteLine(" Weight : {0}", _molecularWeight);
      Console.WriteLine(" Melting Pt: {0}", _meltingPoint);
      Console.WriteLine(" Boiling Pt: {0}", _boilingPoint);
  /// The 'Adaptee' class
  class ChemicalDatabank
    // The databank 'legacy API'
    public float GetCriticalPoint(string compound, string point)
      // Melting Point
      if (point == "M")
        switch (compound.ToLower())
          case "water": return 0.0f;
          case "benzene": return 5.5f;
          case "ethanol": return -114.1f;
          default: return 0f;
      // Boiling Point
        switch (compound.ToLower())
          case "water": return 100.0f;
          case "benzene": return 80.1f;
          case "ethanol": return 78.3f;
          default: return 0f;
    public string GetMolecularStructure(string compound)
      switch (compound.ToLower())
        case "water": return "H20";
        case "benzene": return "C6H6";
        case "ethanol": return "C2H5OH";
        default: return "";
    public double GetMolecularWeight(string compound)
      switch (compound.ToLower())
        case "water": return 18.015;
        case "benzene": return 78.1134;
        case "ethanol": return 46.0688;
        default: return 0d;