using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Iterator.RealWorld
	/// MainApp startup class for Real-World 
	/// Iterator Design Pattern.
	class MainApp
		/// Entry point into console application.
        static void Main()
            // Build a collection
            Collection collection = new Collection();
            collection[0] = new Item("Item 0");
            collection[1] = new Item("Item 1");
            collection[2] = new Item("Item 2");
            collection[3] = new Item("Item 3");
            collection[4] = new Item("Item 4");
            collection[5] = new Item("Item 5");
            collection[6] = new Item("Item 6");
            collection[7] = new Item("Item 7");
            collection[8] = new Item("Item 8");
            // Create iterator
            Iterator iterator = collection.CreateIterator();
            // Skip every other item
            iterator.Step = 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Iterating over collection:");
            for (Item item = iterator.First();
                !iterator.IsDone; item = iterator.Next())
            // Wait for user
	/// A collection item
    class Item
        private string _name;
        // Constructor
        public Item(string name)
            this._name = name;
        // Gets name
        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
	/// The 'Aggregate' interface
    interface IAbstractCollection
        Iterator CreateIterator();
	/// The 'ConcreteAggregate' class
    class Collection : IAbstractCollection
        private ArrayList _items = new ArrayList();
        public Iterator CreateIterator()
            return new Iterator(this);
        // Gets item count
        public int Count
            get { return _items.Count; }
        // Indexer
        public object this[int index]
            get { return _items[index]; }
            set { _items.Add(value); }
	/// The 'Iterator' interface
    interface IAbstractIterator
        Item First();
        Item Next();
        bool IsDone { get; }
        Item CurrentItem { get; }
	/// The 'ConcreteIterator' class
    class Iterator : IAbstractIterator
        private Collection _collection;
        private int _current = 0;
        private int _step = 1;
        // Constructor
        public Iterator(Collection collection)
            this._collection = collection;
        // Gets first item
        public Item First()
            _current = 0;
            return _collection[_current] as Item;
        // Gets next item
        public Item Next()
            _current += _step;
            if (!IsDone)
                return _collection[_current] as Item;

                return null;
        // Gets or sets stepsize
        public int Step
            get { return _step; }
            set { _step = value; }
        // Gets current iterator item
        public Item CurrentItem
            get { return _collection[_current] as Item; }
        // Gets whether iteration is complete
        public bool IsDone
            get { return _current >= _collection.Count; }