using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Mediator.RealWorld
	/// MainApp startup class for Real-World 
	/// Mediator Design Pattern.
  class MainApp
	/// Entry point into console application.
    static void Main()
      // Create chatroom
      Chatroom chatroom = new Chatroom();
      // Create participants and register them
      Participant George = new Beatle("George");
      Participant Paul = new Beatle("Paul");
      Participant Ringo = new Beatle("Ringo");
      Participant John = new Beatle("John");
      Participant Yoko = new NonBeatle("Yoko");
      // Chatting participants
      Yoko.Send("John", "Hi John!");
      Paul.Send("Ringo", "All you need is love");
      Ringo.Send("George", "My sweet Lord");
      Paul.Send("John", "Can't buy me love");
      John.Send("Yoko", "My sweet love");
      // Wait for user
	/// The 'Mediator' abstract class
  abstract class AbstractChatroom
    public abstract void Register(Participant participant);
    public abstract void Send(
      string from, string to, string message);
	/// The 'ConcreteMediator' class
  class Chatroom : AbstractChatroom
    private Dictionary _participants = new Dictionary();
    public override void Register(Participant participant)
      if (!_participants.ContainsValue(participant))
        _participants[participant.Name] = participant;
      participant.Chatroom = this;
    public override void Send(string from, string to, string message)
      Participant participant = _participants[to];
      if (participant != null)
        participant.Receive(from, message);
	/// The 'AbstractColleague' class
  class Participant
    private Chatroom _chatroom;
    private string _name;
    // Constructor
    public Participant(string name)
      this._name = name;
    // Gets participant name
    public string Name
      get { return _name; }
    // Gets chatroom
    public Chatroom Chatroom
      set { _chatroom = value; }
      get { return _chatroom; }
    // Sends message to given participant
    public void Send(string to, string message)
      _chatroom.Send(_name, to, message);
    // Receives message from given participant
    public virtual void Receive(string from, string message)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} to {1}: '{2}'", from, Name, message);
	/// A 'ConcreteColleague' class
  class Beatle : Participant
    // Constructor
    public Beatle(string name) : base(name)
    public override void Receive(string from, string message)
      Console.Write("To a Beatle: ");
      base.Receive(from, message);
	/// A 'ConcreteColleague' class

  class NonBeatle : Participant
    // Constructor
    public NonBeatle(string name) : base(name)
    public override void Receive(string from, string message)
      Console.Write("To a non-Beatle: ");
      base.Receive(from, message);