using System;
namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.State.RealWorld
	/// MainApp startup class for Real-World 
	/// State Design Pattern.
  class MainApp
	/// Entry point into console application.
	static void Main()
      // Open a new account
      Account account = new Account("Jim Johnson");
      // Apply financial transactions
      // Wait for user
	/// The 'State' abstract class
  abstract class State
    protected Account account;
    protected double balance;
    protected double interest;
    protected double lowerLimit;
    protected double upperLimit;
    // Properties
    public Account Account
      get { return account; }
      set { account = value; }
    public double Balance
      get { return balance; }
      set { balance = value; }
    public abstract void Deposit(double amount);
    public abstract void Withdraw(double amount);
    public abstract void PayInterest();
	/// A 'ConcreteState' class
	/// Red indicates that account is overdrawn 
  class RedState : State
    private double _serviceFee;
    // Constructor
    public RedState(State state)
      this.balance = state.Balance;
      this.account = state.Account;
    private void Initialize()
      // Should come from a datasource
      interest = 0.0;
      lowerLimit = -100.0;
      upperLimit = 0.0;
      _serviceFee = 15.00;
    public override void Deposit(double amount)
      balance += amount;
    public override void Withdraw(double amount)
      amount = amount - _serviceFee;
      Console.WriteLine("No funds available for withdrawal!");
    public override void PayInterest()
      // No interest is paid
    private void StateChangeCheck()
      if (balance > upperLimit)
        account.State = new SilverState(this);
	/// A 'ConcreteState' class
	/// Silver indicates a non-interest bearing state
  class SilverState : State
    // Overloaded constructors
    public SilverState(State state) :
      this(state.Balance, state.Account)
    public SilverState(double balance, Account account)
      this.balance = balance;
      this.account = account;
    private void Initialize()
      // Should come from a datasource
      interest = 0.0;
      lowerLimit = 0.0;
      upperLimit = 1000.0;
    public override void Deposit(double amount)
      balance += amount;
    public override void Withdraw(double amount)
      balance -= amount;
    public override void PayInterest()
      balance += interest * balance;
    private void StateChangeCheck()
      if (balance < lowerLimit)
        account.State = new RedState(this);
      else if (balance > upperLimit)
        account.State = new GoldState(this);
	/// A 'ConcreteState' class
	/// Gold indicates an interest bearing state
  class GoldState : State
    // Overloaded constructors
    public GoldState(State state) : this(state.Balance, state.Account)
    public GoldState(double balance, Account account)
      this.balance = balance;
      this.account = account;
    private void Initialize()
      // Should come from a database
      interest = 0.05;
      lowerLimit = 1000.0;
      upperLimit = 10000000.0;
    public override void Deposit(double amount)
      balance += amount;
    public override void Withdraw(double amount)
      balance -= amount;
    public override void PayInterest()
      balance += interest * balance;
    private void StateChangeCheck()
      if (balance < 0.0)
        account.State = new RedState(this);
      else if (balance < lowerLimit)
        account.State = new SilverState(this);
	/// The 'Context' class
  class Account
    private State _state;
    private string _owner;
    // Constructor
    public Account(string owner)
      // New accounts are 'Silver' by default
      this._owner = owner;
      this._state = new SilverState(0.0, this);
    // Properties
    public double Balance
      get { return _state.Balance; }
    public State State
      get { return _state; }
      set { _state = value; }
    public void Deposit(double amount)
      Console.WriteLine("Deposited {0:C} --- ", amount);
      Console.WriteLine(" Balance = {0:C}", this.Balance);
      Console.WriteLine(" Status = {0}", this.State.GetType().Name);
    public void Withdraw(double amount)
      Console.WriteLine("Withdrew {0:C} --- ", amount);
      Console.WriteLine(" Balance = {0:C}", this.Balance);
      Console.WriteLine(" Status = {0}\n", this.State.GetType().Name);
    public void PayInterest()
      Console.WriteLine("Interest Paid --- ");
      Console.WriteLine(" Balance = {0:C}", this.Balance);
      Console.WriteLine(" Status = {0}\n", this.State.GetType().Name);