De 2002 à 2003 : NexGen Software (Chaville)
- Définition & Réalisation d'un Parser XML embarqué (NexGenPARSEit)
- Définition & Réalisation d'une IHM pour un Browser X-HTML embarqué (NexGenSURFon)
- Etude de faisabilité, réalisation des composants, intégration et mise en production.
Principales fonctions
- Développement :
- Quality Assurance :
- Tests fonctionnels E2E
- Mise en production, maintenance, évolution.

- Embedded Systems
- Not defined
NexGenPARSEit© - Embedded XML/XHTML Parser
Decodes and processes XML/XHTMLThe Extensible Markup Language (XML), as defined in the W3C Recommendation, is a set of rules to design markup languages. It is a meta language for markup languages and it greatly simplifies the task of markup processing programs. The idea of XML is to provide a simple and general language that can be used whenever structured documents or information are needed. XHTML 1.0 is the XML 1.0-compliant reformulation of HTML 4.0. It is the standard XML solution for Web publishing intended to replace the existing HTML in the medium run. It is very similar to HTML and mainly defines constraints for XML compliance. XHTML modularization allows grouping elements by family names and defines a method to build some XHTML subsets in a clean way. XHTML Basic is designed for Web clients that cannot support the full set of XHTML features due to lack of resources or to embedded constraints. XHTML Basic targets small information appliances, such as mobile phones, televisions and PDAs. NexGenPARSEit© is specifically designed to address the embedded device requirements with constraints like memory footprint and processor performance. It supports both XML and XHTML Basic instances. A full XHTML support is planned for 2002 and more XML instances will be added in the future. NexGenPARSEit© features a SAX-like parser that is event based and designed to avoid any data persistence, except when it is necessary (i.e. for forms). NexGenPARSEit© is totally platform independant and requires 40 kB of code.

- Fully written in ANSI C
- XML/XHTML/HTML compliant
- SAX event based
- Customisable parser
- 30 kB scalable
- Platform independant
- Polling or RTOS mode
- Source code
NexGenSURFon© - Embedded XHTML Basic Browser
Lets you surf the Web and deal with specific features exported by your devicesNexGenSURFon© is an XHTML Basic browser able to display and to exploit the XML pages sent by a web server.
The XHTML standard inherits from XML and is compatible with HTML4. XML enables more standardized hypertext-based documents and separates the content from the rendering. The user can enrich the content by adding tags, which will be decoded later on and processed by some parser. Most of the tags are application-oriented, giving the developers the possibility to either exchange reliable, well-formatted information or to extend their applications by processing some appropriate work.
NexGenSURFon© is specifically designed to address the embedded device requirements with constraints like memory footprint, portability and OS independence.
NexGenSURFon© is well layered and its architecture offers a rich, extensible set of features. It is for example possible to plug a new parser or to add and remove some particular tags/scripts to match a new XML instance. The rendering engine uses the widgets available with NexGenGUI4©, and thus both the behaviour and the look & feel can easily be changed using different widgets.
Everything has been tried to be thought for extending the features on the most flexible way while keeping the memory footprint and performance usable on an embedded device like a mobile phone, a PDA, an STB or a low-end embedded industrial device.
NexGenSURFon© is totally portable and platform independant, relying on NexGenOS© to isolate all CPU/OS/driver dependencies.

- Fully written in ANSI C
- XML/XHTML/HTML compliant
- HTTP/FTP/File support
- Customisable parser
- GIF(89a) and JPEG support
- Ehanced caching capabilities
- Concurrent downloading
- Portable rendering engine
- Customisable widgets
- Scalable screens
- Colour and greyscale
- Any input device supported
- 60 - 100 kB scalable
- Platform independant
- Polling or RTOS mode
- Any TCP/IP stack supported
- Source code or library
NexGenRENGINE - Rendering Engine
Rendering Engine for the NexGenSURFon© XML/XHTML embedded browserNexGenRENGINE features a generic rendering engine able to decode and react to some input events sent by the NexGenSURFon® embedded browser. While the events are decoded NexGenRENGINE calls some widgets which are included in NexGenGUI4© thus both the behaviour and the look & fell can be changed easely. NexGenRENGINE is totally platform independant, relying on NexGenGUI4© and NexGenOS©.

- Fully written in ANSI C
- Ported over NexGenGUI4©
- Generic event-based
- Customisable parser
- Extensible
- Platform independant
- Polling or RTOS mode
- Source code
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